Valentine’s Day KISSME Competition at Paris-Budapest Bar
During the Cliffme2 – The KISSME Competition, we celebrated Valentine’s Day on February 11, 2012. The event started at 9:00 pm at the Paris-Budapest Restaurant & Bar. The venue was located at Sofitel on Széchenyi István tér 2., Hungary.
Sponsors included Alitalia, Cinq Filles, ParisBudapestBar, EventoNetwork, and AkkuFresh® Next Generation™, among others.
Valentine’s Day is often celebrated with red roses, heart-shaped sweets, and romantic dinners by candlelight. However, some find this too cheesy or ordinary. This year, we celebrated differently at a super-posh bar on the riverbank. Guests participated in a unique kissing competition.
As a special treat, all guests received an AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ gift package. A lucky pair of kissers even won a trip to Rome with Alitalia.
As shown in the pictures below, more and more people are discovering AkkuFresh® Next Generation™. With us, the fun never ends! #WithUsTheFunNeverEnds