Laboratory tests

IMPORTANT NOTE: The effects and performance of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ may vary and depend on several factors.
- Type of device, brand, and model. Also the kind of battery, its age, status (total amount of charging-discharging cycles), external temperature, and environmental conditions.
- (1) All brand names are registered trademarks and the properties of their respective owners.
- (2) Performance may vary. These graphs/diagrams are a compilation of several different tests and cannot be held as contractual or indicating an absolute reference of accurate results for any user.

Test Results: Battery Life - Charging Speed

AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ is not designed to extend the battery life of a brand new battery. It can however be used on new batteries to maintain it at its new and optimal performance level. AkkuFresh® revitalizes the battery by recovering it to its original performance and maintains its maximum capacity. It reduces charging time and extends the life span of a battery. All the following tests have been processed using batteries that are min. six months old. Read more about the technology here.

AkkuFresh Next Generation™ laboratory test results for battery life improvement.

– AkkuFresh® increases the battery life stand-by time by up to 38-47% (168h30min > 230h25min after 11 days).
– AkkuFresh® increases the battery life talk time by up to 49% (continuous talk time from 1h30min to 2h40min after ten cycles).
– AkkuFresh® increases the charging speed by up to 66% on Li-Po (31% nominal w/ Li-Ion).
– AkkuFresh® begins to induce improvement in battery performance after several charging cycles, the effect is visible after 5-7 cycles. AkkuFresh® was tested on various cycles ranges. The minimum was 4-6 charging cycles, the maximum was 150 charging cycles. The average charging cycle was 50. With AkkuFresh®, after 350 charging cycles the capacity ratio vs. minimum capacity is 64.9%.

– AkkuFresh® causes battery life improvement in low-temperature characteristics: capacity at 0.5˚C (32.9˚F) – discharge at -20˚C (68˚F) is 206.6mAh w/ AkkuFresh® vs.134,4mAh w/o AkkuFresh®. The capacity ratio is 680mAh 26.5% w/ AkkuFresh® vs.17.2% w/o it.
– AkkuFresh® reduces the battery’s internal impedance and resistance. As a result, the temperature of the battery is also reduced.
– AkkuFresh® helps to maintain the charged status during the last 3-5 hours of use.

AkkuFresh Next Generation™ laboratory test results for battery life improvement.
AkkuFresh Next Generation™ laboratory test results for battery life improvement.

Test Results:

Performance Test:

AkkuFresh Next Generation™ laboratory test results for battery life improvement.

Test Results: Battery Revitalization

AkkuFresh® regenerates a used battery and contributes to recover the original battery life and charging ability.

Consider a comparative test between 2 identical Li-Ion batteries (same manufacturer, same model). Battery lifetime (battery w/ AkkuFresh®) measured after each charging cycle against the battery life of a brand new battery.
Battery (1) is brand new while Battery w/ AkkuFresh® (2) is six months old.

Results: a recovered battery life after a few charging cycles.

AkkuFresh Next Generation™ laboratory test results for battery life improvement.

AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil Canon Korea Test by EM infotech

Explanation of what you see in this video:

EM InfoTech (Canon Pro High Definition Camcorder Master Distributor in Korean) tested AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ performance on two Canon XF105 HD camcorders. The two Canon XF105 HD camcorder was used in recording function to test the continuous recording time. One with AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil technology the other without the technology. Both Canon XF105 HD camcorder was used with BP-925 Battery Pack (7.4V DC). The test clearly shows that AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil technology can improve the performance of the Canon XF105 HD camcorder during recording.

AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil absorbs all types of energy, including heat energy

Explanation of what you see in this video:

He turns on the tester. The display on the top shows the current temperature of the right-hand side, and the bottom one shows the temperature of the left-hand side. The tester generates a direct current that leads to two identical aluminum plates with consistent voltage and resistance generating heat on both sides. He turns the machine on and puts the AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ product on the right-hand side of the test machine?

The machine has the same aluminum plate and voltage on both sides, and once turned on, the two displays typically show the same temperature in degrees Celsius. 
– With the AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil on the right-hand side, the aluminum plate starts heating up slower than the corresponding other side. As the temperature rises, the difference between the two sides can differ by up to 4-5 C degrees.
– Then once we take off the AkkuFresh foil from the right-hand side, the temperature starts to adjust to the same temperature of the other corresponding side. 
– Then we put the same AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ material on the left-hand side where the temperature is still slightly higher. As we see on the bottom display straight after we put the AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil on the left-hand side plate the temperature starts decreasing! As the test continues, the difference in temperature is growing but this time the left side is cooler. 
– The difference at an optimal 60 C temperature can be more than 6 C! This test proves that the AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil absorbs all types of energy, including heat energy.

Test with INTI Smart ion monitor by using the ex-OEM version of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil

Explanation of what you see in this video:

One of the ex-OEM versions of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil tested with an INTI Smart Ion Monitor model ITC-201a.

The main material of the original AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil is called ionXtra® Power Foil™. This naturally generates negative ions, long-wave infrared rays, bio-resonance, and scalar energy. The test clearly demonstrates that the ex-OEM version of the AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil produces negative ions. Each time the foil is installed on the front of the Ion Monitor, the level of negative ions increases rapidly from 0 to a level higher than 2,000 parts. / cc.

The negative ion levels are recorded by using the ITS-801A software and an IBM notebook PC attached to an INTI Smart Ion Monitor model ITC-201a. You can find more information on the characteristics of the Smart Ion Monitor at:

Теst: Smart Ion Monitor ITC-201a INTI, Smart Ion Monitor ITC-201a INTI + ITS-801a

AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ provides more usage time

Explanation of what you see in this video:

AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ offers more usage time for your AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil slows down the loss of capacity of batteries and thus provides improved battery performance

Laboratory tests

Installation Instruction for AkkuFresh® Next Generation™

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-001
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-17-2015

Test Instruction for AkkuFresh® Next Generation™

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-17-2015

Test Sheet for AkkuFresh® Next Generation™

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-01
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-17-2015

Certificate of Standards Institution of Israel

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-15
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by Imperial University - London

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-14
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by IBM Magyarország Kft. on Lenovo notebook battery

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-13
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Letter from the partner (after one of our European importers had sold the first 10'000 pics of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ through one of our Telenor Hungary franchise partners).

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-12
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil by the Russian Research Institute for Certification JSC

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-10
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ foil by the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-11
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by Vodafone franchise partner in 2007.

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-09
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of "BatMax" one of the ex-OEM versions of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by Singapore Test Services Pte Ltd.

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-16
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by EU distributor partner

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-04
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by EU distributor partner

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-05
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by EU distributor partner

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-07
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by EU distributor partner

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-08
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by EU distributor partner

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-06
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of "BatteryLife Activator" one of the ex-OEM version of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by TÜV Rheinland

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-19
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of "BatteryLife Activator" one of the ex-OEM versions of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-18
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of "Battery LifeActivator" one of the ex-OEM versions of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-17
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of "BatteryLife Activator" one of the ex-OEM versions of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by XtremeComputing

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-20
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by "Frédéric Joliot-Curie" National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-21
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by the Kinki University

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-03
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015

Test of AkkuFresh® Next Generation™ by Matsushita Electric Co. Ltd. (Panasonic, Technics, JVC)

Doc. no.: WI-AkkuFresh-002-02
Revision: 01
Resp.: Gabriel Varaljay
Date: 04-12-2015


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Date of Last Revision: December 1, 2024

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